Mobile Application to Support Real State Inspection

About SII

The Internal Revenue Service (SII) is a Chilean public service created in 1902, under the Ministry of Finance. It is an equivalent service to the US IRS (Internal Revenue Service). Its functions are to apply and oversee all internal taxes established for Chilean taxpayers. The taxpayer base is grouped into persons and companies, with over 11 million between both groups.


SII, in its modernization process, commissioned Tecnova to implement a Mobile Application, which would facilitate the real state inspection. This process is carried out by appraisal officials, where information is captured, both on the land and on existing buildings. For this, a portable technological means was available, eliminating the deployment of information on paper in the field work.


Project Objectives

The main objectives of the project can be summarized as follows:

  • Have a mobile application that can operate in physical locations where there is no network connectivity (offline mode).
  • Eliminate the need for paper or additional physical items such as cameras and annotation tools.
  • Provide SII auditors with a computer tool that solves their information capture and export needs.
  • Deliver an application that does not require deep habit changes, process redesign, or extensive training for auditing users.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of the data stored on the device.

Finally, the implemented solution covered the following areas of field inspection work:

  • Upload information online. The examiner can upload information on one or more fiscal roles to the mobile device, understood as role as the identifier of a property or land.
  • Self-management on roles. The application allows the inspector to manage the roles, being able to view or delete the information associated with a role: documents, photos, maps, so on.
  • Complete technical guide. The solution manages the technical guides with which a role is audited, being able to complete all the audit information on site in digital form.
  • Use of mobile utilities. To complement the completion of the technical guides, the examiner can make use of the camera and capture images on which he can add annotations. Later, they can store these images in the folder associated with the audited role.
  • The application allows them to download the information captured so that it can be received by the core systems of the SII for processing.

If you want to know more about this success story or our experience providing services for this industry, contact us through our contact form.


  • Android
  • Android Studio

Technical Detail of the Project

The application was developed for native Android, making use of Android Studio and Android SDK for the mobile application and JEE for the administration backend and API services.